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house cleaning frederick md
When we first talk with a new housecleaning client, we often get asked how often most clients have their houses cleaned. We see a wide range of scheduling, from cleaning a few times per week to calling and scheduling on an as-needed basis.

How often you need to schedule a house cleaning depends on two major factors: Your individual needs and your budget.

Determining Your House-Cleaning Needs

Are you able to keep up with the daily cleaning routines of life, such as sweeping, laundry, and dusting? Are you frequently out of town but your family is at home? Do you just want someone to come in and deep clean the areas you can’t get to often, or to make everything sparkle and shine before the holidays or a party?

Knowing what aspects of your home cleaning you are able to keep up with, and want to maintain on your own, is the first step toward determining how often you should schedule a housekeeper.

If you are willing and able to maintain your home on your own, and just want some occasional help, setting up quarterly or bi-monthly cleanings may be right for you. For those who want a little extra help, like getting that bathroom really clean on a fairly regular basis, monthly cleanings are probably best. If you want to be able to come home each weekend and relax, knowing your house is clean so you can enjoy time with your family, consider weekly cleaning.

Determining Your Budgetary Restrictions

Quality housekeeping services aren’t going to come cheap, though many companies work hard to provide the best value to their clients. Every time you have a house cleaner come in, you will need to pay for his or her services, and more intensive cleaning tasks are going to cost more than light dusting and vacuuming.

If your budget is tight but you still need that extra bit of help, scheduling occasional deep cleans or cleaning before a special event may be ideal. For the budget that has a little more space, monthly or weekly cleaning can be scheduled.

Another factor to consider when determining cost: How much do you feel your time is worth? If you are short on time and want to be able to spend that time elsewhere, perhaps cutting back on costs in other areas to pay someone to tackle the routine cleaning tasks may improve your stress level and pay off in more ways than one.

Frederick County, MD’s First Choice for Professional House Cleaning

No matter what your budget and needs determine, The Busy Bee Maids has a schedule and a solution for you. We enjoy working closely with our clients to set up a schedule and list of provided cleaning services to fit their requirements, allowing them to enjoy the peace and calm of a clean home. Contact us today to schedule your first cleaning!

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